May 25, 2016

What you should know about Killearn Heating Oil Tanks

First and foremost, this article should not scare anyone, but it will inform you on the subject and we all know knowledge is power!  Killearn and five other neighborhoods in Tallahassee were developed during times where air conditioners were not paired with heat like today’s […]
May 25, 2016

Home Heating Oil Tanks – Betton Hills – Something to Think About.

If you live in an older Betton Hills home it was probably originally heated with a fuel oil furnace.   (My 1953 house was.)  The preferred method of fuel oil storage was in 250-750 gallon tanks buried below ground at the back corner of the house […]
May 24, 2016

Hydrogeological Investigations in Property Contamination Assessments

Hydrogeological Investigations – Hydrogeologic studies play a key role in most investigations, assessments and remediation projects. Through subsurface investigations, soil and ground-water sampling and aquifer analysis, Clean Asset provides a clear picture of geologic characteristics that influence contaminant fate and transport. Clean Asset’s history in this […]